20 OCTOBER 1917, Page 3

The centenary of Kosei-sszko's death on April 2nd, 1817, was

celebrated in London on Monday. It is pleasant to recall the great patriot now that Poland, for whom he fought so gallantly, may confidently expect to regain her liberties. " Father Thaddeus." as his peasant followers called him, won his military fame in America side by side with Lafayette and under Washington, and he was an American citizen and an American Brigadier when ho returned to Poland to resist the Second Partition. His insurrection of 1791 was from the military standpoint a forlorn hope, but in putting his trust In the peasantry, as no other Polish noble would do, Ifeeciuszko pointed the way to the future regeneration of Poland. The modern Polish movement is a popular movement, and with the support of the New Russia and her Allies it is irresisti tile. When the war ends, as it can only end, in the defeat of the Central Empires, Poland will be free. It will he interesting for our chiklren to see whether, like the Hungarians or the Serbians, who have always taken a strange pleasure in recalling their national disasters at Mohacs and KOSSOYO, the Poles when liberated will continue to celebrate the rout of 1Iaciejowice, where " Freedom shrieked as Kosciuszko fell."