4 MAY 1912, Page 12



[To THE EDITOR Or THE ",SPECTATOR,"] inclose you a statement of the conditions under which the Spectator prizes, intended to encourage members of the National Reserve to keep up their shooting, will be competed for at Sisley this year. My Council notes with very great pleasure that you hope to give similar prizes with the same object for competition at Bisley in future years. You will like to know that in addition to your prizes a special series of prizes for National Reservists has been given by Mr. B. Hansford in connexion with the "Stock Exchange" com- petition. Also, besides these special prizes National Re- servists are eligible to compete in all the principal competitions at Bisley which are open to " all comers," and such National Reservists as come within our definition of a "Retired Territorial " can also compete in most of our other principal competitions.—I am, Sir, &es C. R. CROBBE, Lieut.-Colonel, Secretary N.R.A.

Bisley Camp, Brookwood, Surrey.

[We append the official notification of the conditions under which the Spectator Prize for National Reservists will be competed for at Bisley. Our object in establishing the com- petition is to encourage members of the National Reserve to keep up their shooting. Accordingly we have made the number of prizes as large as possible. Any man who wins one of the forty £1 prizes will be able to feel that he has covered his expenses at Bisley.—ED. Spectator.] THE "SPECTATOR." (8.11.) (Single _Entries.) SQUADDED COMPETITION, TUESDAY, 1GTH. Open only to all members of the National Reserve. Aggregate value £50, givon by tho Proprietor of the Spectator, Distances 200 and 500 yards (aggregate). No. or SHOTS As for the corresponding distances of tlia TARGETS 1 First Stage " Queen Mary's Prize."

Uniform ... Need not be worn.

Sights As issued. Orthoptics .,. May not ho used or worn. Entrance Fee to be paid before 12 noon on Thursday, 13th June. Post Entries, 6s. 3d. till 2.30 p.m. on Monday, 15th July.

One Prize of £5 ..• • ..

= .Q5 One „ of 8 .••


3 Ono „ of 2

.„ = 2

Forty Prizes of


044 .0



Forty-three Primes



1. The General and Special Conditions for the corresponding distances of the "Queen Mary's Prize" apply to this Competition so far as applicable.

2. No sights other than those strictly in accordance with the Government pattern may be used on the rifle. Slings, if attached to the rifle, must be tight.