Consort Ships.
[To TAE EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTATOR. "] Sra,—Mr. J. W. Gordon's views as to the best means of preventing disaster at sea are evidently not the result of profound study of either......
"mr. Roosevelt's Campaign."
[TO Tux EDITOR OF TUE "SPEOTATOB."1 SIR, — It is always interesting and often instructive to learn, from comments like those which you make in your article of March 9th, how our......
The Loss Of The Titanic.'
[TO 'TIIII EDITOR OF TUX "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The universal recognition of the heroism with which the English and American male passengers in the late catastrophe sacrificed......
Shipwreck Problems.
[To TIM EDITOR Or TUB "SracriaoR,"1 Sin,—Vertical watertight compartments aro very primitive. Even if they close all right they still are primitive. The vertical principle is......