4 MAY 1912, page 17

Home Rule.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE ° SPECTATOR:1 SIR, —You may think it worth while to print the appended extract from " Fuller's Worthies,"—I am, Sir, &e., F. C. G. BARK - SHIRE PROVERBS. "......

Modern Wars And War Taxes. Ito The Editor Op The

"SPECTATOR." _I SIR,—In your favourable review of " Modern Wars and War Taxes "—for which I thank you cordially—you raise a very important question of foreign policy on which I......

A Dearth Of Swallows In Southern Europe.

To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Over the signature of Senor Juan Tellez Lopez in the Nuevo Munclo of to-day is printed the following letter, of which I submit a......

" In Petto."

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPEOTATOR...] SIR, —The misuse of the phrase in petto referred to by Dr. J. P. Steele (Spectator April 27th, p. 677) appears to be such a. case of......

Nothing Matters.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT011..“J SIR,—Your leader on "Political Apathy" sets one thinking— that's the worst of your paper. You start an idea, and with your logic and......