4 MAY 1912, page 18

Ltg The Editor Or The "sfectator."3 Sre,—w H Ilst Much-

impressed by your plea for a State Church, -OR the principle that a nation should be definitely represented on its spiritual side, I find it difficult to resist the Welih case......

" In Petto."

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPEOTATOR...] SIR, —The misuse of the phrase in petto referred to by Dr. J. P. Steele (Spectator April 27th, p. 677) appears to be such a. case of......

London Parades National Reserve Fund.

We have received the following sums for this Fund :— Richard C. Abdy, £10 0 0 Old Nightingale Nurse, £5 0 0 W. Llewellyn Evans, £1 0 0 Amount previously acknowledged, 2430 10 0.......

Welsh Disestablishment.

[To THE, EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:" SIR,—An Chairman' ()Utile Central Church Defence Com- mittee I wish to appeal - to all Churchmen, irrespective of political party, for......

Clifton College Jubilee.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SrEcrArop..".1 Sia,—May we ask the aid of your oolumna in order to remind Cliftonians scattered through the world that, in view of the approaching Jubilee......

Notictl—wheii "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...

or initials, or with a pseudonym; or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to Lein agreement with the views therein expressed , or with the mode of......