4 MAY 1912, page 1

Last Sunday Several Of The Cretan Deputies, Elected Under...

Revolutionary Government to sit in the Greek Parliament : were arrested by an officer of the British cruiser 'Minerva when they were on their way to Athens. Their steamer was......

News Of The Week.

T HE foreign situation is still overshadowed by the dangers and difficulties arising out of the Turkish-Italian War —u war which the circumstances described by us elsewhere......

" 0 * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript...


On Thursday Week At Boston Mr. Taft Made A Vehement

attack on Mr. Roosevelt, and with the speech the last possi- bility of peace within the Republican Party disappeared. He accused Mr. Roosevelt of deliberate misrepresentation,......

On Tuesday In The Lords The Government Introduced A Bill

for the preservation of ancient monuments. Lord Beauchamp explained that it was proposed to give compulsory powers to the Commissioners of Works, if advised by the Ancient......

The Times Of Wednesday Published The Full Text Of +he

Turkish answer to the offer of mediation by the Powers in the Turco-Italian War. The answer is written with such extreme skill that it does credit even to the Turks, renowned as......

General Lyautey Has Been Appointed The First French...

Morocco, General Lyautey, who was General Lyautey has been appointed the first French Resident-General in Morocco, General Lyautey, who was born in 1854, served with distinction......