4 MAY 1912, page 3

Towards The End Of His Speech Sir Edward Grey Used

words of which it is somewhat difficult to see the exact import. It was, he declared, exceedingly difficult for the Government to deal with the question of Ulster. " If Ulster......

The Court Of Inquiry Into The Lose Of The Titania'

held its first sitting on Thursday under the presidency of Lord Mersey. The proceedings were opened with eloquent expressions of sympathy with those who have suffered from the......

For The Rest, Sir Edward Grey Was Full Of Belief

that the Dublin Parliament would be the kindest of stepmothers to Ulster. It is clear, however, that Sir Edward Grey, like the rest of the Government, is very unhappy about......

On Wednesday Evening Mr. Grant, The Unionist Member For The

Egremont Division of Cumberland, moved that the House should approve of the taking of immediate steps to ensure the co-operation of the medical profession in ad- ministering the......

Sir Edward Grey, Who Followed Mr. Balfour, Confessed That He

was not prepared to answer the five specific questions that had been asked. If there was no parallel for the Government proposals, " Let it be so." No doubt argument from tire-......

Mr. Agar-robartes Also Objected In The Interests Of His...

to forty-two pistols in the, House of Commons being held at the head of any British Government with the cry of " Your money or your life ! " At the same time he admitted that......

Before We Leave Thursday's Debate We Must Draw Attention To

the remarkable speech of a young Liberal member, Mr. Agar-Robartes. "The House," he declared, "could not treat the convictions of the Protestants of Ulster with contempt, any......

The Last Few Days Of The American Inquiry Into The

loss of the Titanic' did not produce any new evidence of import- ance. One hundred and sixty-seven of the 210 survivors of the crew arrived at Plymouth last Sunday. The Board of......

Bank Rate, 31 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.

Feb. 8th. Consols (24) were on Friday 74—Friday week 781.......