4 MAY 1912, page 16

Home Rule.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE ° SPECTATOR:1 SIR, —You may think it worth while to print the appended extract from " Fuller's Worthies,"—I am, Sir, &e., F. C. G. BARK - SHIRE PROVERBS. "......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator. " ] Sir,—your...

in his letter (April 27th) on National Insurance, makes it quite clear that there is no penal obligation on a workman to produce a card to his employer for stamping the weekly......

"mr. Roosevelt's Campaign."

[TO Tux EDITOR OF TUE "SPEOTATOB."1 SIR, — It is always interesting and often instructive to learn, from comments like those which you make in your article of March 9th, how our......

National Insurance.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE ° SPECTATOR:1 SIR, — My attention has been called to a letter signed " Examiner " in your issue of April 27th. When the Spectator is constrained to publish......