4 MAY 1912, page 2

The Financial Policy Of The Government Was Subjected To Some

damaging criticism in the debate in the Commons on Monday. Mr. Masterman, in reply to Mr. Pretyman's criticism, maintained that the hearing in camera of appeals to the Referee......

The Home Rule Bill, Being A Prelude To A General

scheme of federation, could Ministers point to any case in which a centralized and unified Government had been broken up to meet a demand for national self-government and in......

On Wednesday Sir Robert Finlay Was The Chief Speaker For

the Opposition. He warned the Government of the con- Enquences of establishing a separate Parliament in Ireland. " If you go on with this Bill it means civil war." They had......

Sir Edward Grey, Who Followed Mr. Balfour, Confessed That He

was not prepared to answer the five specific questions that had been asked. If there was no parallel for the Government proposals, " Let it be so." No doubt argument from tire-......

Challenged By Mr. Chamberlain To Declare The Specific...

for which the realized surplus of 6t millions was to be held up, Mr. Lloyd George contented himself with insisting on the fact that the sanction of the House would have to be......

On Thursday Mr. Balfour Made A Speech Of Great Force

as well as of dialectical brilliancy. He strongly criticised Ministers for having entirely omitted to explain or defend Clause 28 of the Bill, which makes provision for the......

On Tuesday In The Lords The Government Introduced A Bill

for the preservation of ancient monuments. Lord Beauchamp explained that it was proposed to give compulsory powers to the Commissioners of Works, if advised by the Ancient......

We Deal Elsewhere With The Arguments Of Mr. Churchill, Who

moved the Second Reading of the Home Rule Bill in the Commons on Monday. He was followed by Mr. Long, who moved the rejection of the Bill. The Prime Minister had declared that a......