[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—Your correspondent " Examiner,"
in his letter (April 27th) on National Insurance, makes it quite clear that there is no penal obligation on a workman to produce a card to his employer for stamping the weekly contributions, and regards this as " the vital flaw in the Act." He seems to think the Commissioners will hardly have the temerity to punish, by imprisonment at any rate, the workman who fails to produce a card. His difficulty will be solved in a much simpler manner by transferring to the employer the obligation to produce the card. In the Memorandum explanatory of the Bill issued on May 8th, 1911, the Chancellor of the Exchequer states (p. 14) :— "The workman is to be required to produce his card to his employer at the time when wages are paid, and if he omits to do so then the employer will bo empowered and required to obtain a card for him. Tho whole of the above provisions will not appear in the Bill, some being left to regulations."