4 MAY 1912, Page 18


[To THE, EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:" SIR,—An Chairman' ()Utile Central Church Defence Com- mittee I wish to appeal -to all Churchmen, irrespective of political party, for support in resisting the Bill for the Dis- AitfallSliMent, and Disendowment of the Church in Wales OW before Parliament,.

This: Bill, if passed; will. (1) cut off from the Church the AIDA ancient of its dioceses, (2) alienate to secular purposes 44ndownients. which have been devoted for centuries to the service of. God, (3) deprive numerous parishes of the services 'et the sole minister of religion resident in them, and (4) inflict 4i,griciipils blow onthe largest and most progressive religious ;Body in Wales. , The Central Church Committee, which is specially charged wiili tbe duty of enlightening the people as to the disastrous iefrebte of this policy, has already made strenuous efforts to ,carry. out „its mission: More than 4,000 meetings have been its assistance, or under its auspices or that of its dioceean end otheiloeiti branches during the past winter, while several Millions of publiaations have been applied for and: distributed. • The-effect is seen in the uprising of public opinion against the proposals of the. Government.

Nitich,however, still remains to be done, and to repel this attack on their rights and liberties Churchmen have to face a long and arduous campaign. Protest must continue to be Made in every parish throughout- the country, petitions to 'Parliament promote& publications freely circulated, and speakers-,provided. curry; on such a campaign large. funds are essential, and I ask my fellow Churolimen to provide the Committee with the... financial support -adequate for the purpose.

It is estimatathet for the objectsin view a sum of £30,000 is required, a comparatively smalls:mount, having regard to the vast and far-reaching issues at stake. Of this sum about £6,000 has already been raised, and donations or annual sub- scriptions will herthankfally receive&byr me -(by, cheque crossed 46are and. Co.), or they may be forwarded' direct to the Secretary at the offices of the Committee in the Church nom, Westminster.—I am, Sir, &c., DEVONSHIRE, Chairman.

Central Church Committee Ric Defence and Instruction. Devonshire 'rouse, Piccadilly, TV.