4 MAY 1912, Page 29

READABLE NOVEL/3. The Wisdom of Waiting. By Mabel Ince. (Chatto

and Windus. Os.)—The story of a secret marriage and the inconveniences which it entailed. The renewed court- ship of the husband and wife at the end of the book is prettily drawn.—Denhams ; or, A Web of Life. By Alexandra Watson. (Smith, Elder and Co. 6s.)—A story of a school, or rather a crammer's, in Switzerland. The morality is arranged on the lines of oopy-book maxims, and virtue is fully rewarded in the end. —A Derelict Empire. By Mark Time. (William Blackwood and Sons. 6s.)—It is almost impossible to take this book seriously. It concerns the situation which arises in India when England has voluntarily withdrawn her troops in order to benefit the native population.