The April instalment of the New Nnglisb, Dictionary (Clarendon Press)
is a double section of unusual size (64 pages), Th-Thycle, edited by Sir Tames A. H. Murray, Ea. This brings vol. ix. of the dictionary to an end. Of the 4,069 main words, combinations, &c., recorded—Johnson's total is 318—at least a customary pro- portion are of special interest. There is Theology, used for the first time by "Piers Plowman" (1362), with the spelling " Teologyo" ; Theism, Cudworth (1678) ; Thomas Atkins (for a private soldier), commonly used in specimen forms of the War Office from 1815, now familiarized into " Tommy "; and Thew, the instrument corresponding to the pillory and used for tho chastisement of turbulent women.