14 JANUARY 1899

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The real importance of the affair is, however, the fact

The Spectator

of the resignation. The masses, with their minds saturated with suspicion, will never believe that a Judge gave up a thousand a year and a pension without a motive, and they...

The additions to be made to the German Army were

The Spectator

officially proposed in the Reichstag on Thursday. The number of men added, 26,576, does not really signify, but the Minister of War in introducing the measure declared that army...

A debate on "the incident" was held in the French

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Chamber on Thursday, and revealed conspicuously the weakness of the French Government. Instead of con- temptuously brushing aside the charges, the Minister of Justice, M....


The Spectator

With the "Seacrsros" of Saturday, January 28th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure...

There is a decided reappearance of the Napoleonic Legend in

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Paris. The hawkers are again selling Lives of Napoleon, a demand has sprung up for photographs of the Bonaparte family, and most significant of all, a play has been produced in...


The Spectator

T ICE event of the week has been the resignation of M. Quesnay de Beanrepaire, President of the Civil Division of the Court of Caseation. This Judge, who in 18E9 accepted the...

e s * Ths Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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A Renter's telegram from Constantinople despatched on Thursday states that,

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according to" private advices," a great battle was fought in the district of Shanel between the Turkish troops and the Yemen insurgents—Yemen is the Arabian province bordering...

On Saturday last the Foreign Office published a series of

The Spectator

papers which show that France has committed a serious breach of her undertakings in regard to Mada- gascar. The principal document is a despatch written by Lord Salisbury last...

The antiquarians of Rome believe that they have made a

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great find. Signor Bacellai, the Minister of Education, in the course of some excavations at the east end of the Forum has come upon the great black stone under which it was...

It is hardly possible to understand the feeling of Conti-

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nental Courts about personal insult. A Social Democratic paper in Magdeburg recently published a story about a Prince of Baghdad and his tutor, which was supposed to conceal an...

We do not wish to exaggerate the importance of these

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inci- dents. Had the French originally said that they meant to annex Madagascar, and that they then intended to apply to the island their own fiscal system irrespective of...

The Americans expect trouble in the Philippines. There is no

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confirmation of the Spanish report that insurgents are gathering to attack Manila, but it seems certain that the Ta gal leaders, with Aguinaldo at their head, and, as Americans...

In addition to this example of bad faith, the despatches

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in the Blue-book give instances of the way in which French officials have attempted to put a boycott on English goods and to force French goods down the throats of the natives....

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On Monday the Speaker delivered a very interesting lecture at

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Carlisle, his subject being "Some Old Parliamentary Journals." A propos of reporting, he described how Rush- worth, who wrote shorthand, and took down the actual words used by...

The supporters of the anti-bounty movement held a meeting at

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Cannon Street Hotel on Monday, Lord Stan- more being in the chair. A letter was read from a firm of Glasgow refiners complaining that the present Government by not insisting at...

A long speech by Sir Edward Clarke is reported in

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Tuesday's papers, but a more interesting one was made to the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, January 5th. In this speech Sir Edward Clarke combated a notion which we...

The letter lately contributed by Mr. Rudyard Kipling to the

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New York World on the Imperialist policy of the United States is too good to be monopolised by one side of the Atlantic. " We are only," he writes, "at the beginning of that era...

Dr. J. E. C. Welldon, the new Bishop of Calcutta,

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who left, England for his diocese on Tuesday, has taken the rather unusual coarse of addressing a letter to the Times upon his view of the relation of the Church to Indian life....

Mr. Albert B. Lloyd, a young Englishman who has recently

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returned from Torn, the western province of Uganda, has given to a representative of Reuter's Agency a most remark. able account (published in the Times of Monday) of his...

Bank Rate, 4 per cent.

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New Consols (2f) were on Friday, 118f.

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FRANCE AND ENGLAND. T HE publication of the Madagascar despatches last Saturday is a very grave fact, for those despatches show that France violated an engagement deliberately...

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T HE newest incident in France is one of the most disastrous kind. It renders it almost impossible that in future justice should be done under the Republic. It has for some...

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W E must refuse absolutely to believe that there is any real danger of a new St. Bartholomew in Paris in which the Jews primarily, and the Huguenots and Pro- testants in the...

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W E have no belief whatever in the opposition which is revealing itself in Washington to the annexa- tion of the Philippines. All the Times' correspondents, who evidently do not...

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I NDUSTRIAL war seems to us very like international war. Nobody that we know of denies that both of them cause great loss to mankind, inflict great misery, and seem to the...

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I T is becoming every day more widely felt that some large efforts must be made ,to abate the evils that result from our town life. Whether very largo cities like London and...

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I N his lecture of Saturday at the Royal Institution, Sir Robert Ball, lately Astronomer-Royal in Ireland, and a man with a singular capacity for "popularising" science without...

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I T is a small, insignificant corner numbering some fifty houses, thatched cottages most of them, that, bent with age, battered by the sweeping south-west gales, straggle in...

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B REHM was among the first naturalist-travellers to note the common resemblance of the " steppe " regions of the world, and the marked difference in the life of these animals...

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CONFESSION IN THE CHURCH IN ENGLAND. [To THE EDITOR or THU " SPRCTATOR."] Sin, — The myriads of quiet—mainly voiceless—Catholics in the Church in England will be grieved by...


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SIR, — On the third page of the Spectator for January 7th you appear to regard " compulsory " and " systematised " con- fession as equally unlawful in the Church of England. I...

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[To TIE EDITOR Or TUN " SPROTATOIL"] SIR,—I think your old-age pension scheme is splendid. The only thing I would suggest is that it is a mistake to utilise the machinery of...


The Spectator

or Tar "arm:rms.") SIR,—There has always been a good deal of controversy over the genesis of the metre in which Tennyson wrote his "In Memoriam." The quatrain with rhymes...

[To Tim Eprroa OP TEE a 'sritcrAna."] Sin,—Your correspondent, "X. X.

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X.," in the Spectator of January 7th, has put in very convincing language a fact which has been daily demonstrated at Nordrach, in Southern Germany, for the last ten years and...


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[To TER EDITOR Or TER "SPECTATOR :l Sig,—It is a common experience in Northern India among officers who spend a considerable part of the cold weather under canvas that colds are...

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[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—From sundry communications received from some (at least quondam) lady-friends, I am apprehensive of becoming a latter-day Pentheus; for...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "1 Sin,—May I, as an old lady entitled to be reminiscent and garrulous, "bestow my tediousness upon you" in a little anecdote which relates to...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. ] SIR,—May I make a slight correction in the figures given by Mr. Dease in the Spectator of December 31st? The statement quoted by him credits...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOZ OF THE "Srsor.kroa."] SIR,—May I be allowed, in the interest of accuracy, to correct a statement in your article in the Spectator of January 7th on " The Late...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR'] SIR, —The writer of the article, " The Archbishop of Canterbury on Holidays," in your issue of December 31st, dealt with a number of problems...

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REMBRANDT AT THE ACADEMY. THE transition from Burne-Jones at the New Gallery to Rembrandt at the Academy seems at first sight to be the passing from pure literature to pure...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:'] SIR,—Your correspondent, Mr. Gaye, challenges the accuracy of my explanation of the word " hnd-me-dud," which be derives from " dodman," a...


The Spectator

TO FRANCE, RE-RISEN. YEA 1 thou art risen from the dead That were thy mates so long. Thou had'st not perished as I said In all too idle song. Too swiftly we despaired of...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEC LATOR."] Stn,—Dnring a four months' tour through New Zealand last year, when I visited all the chief towns and mining districts, I made special...

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AURORA. LEIGH.* THE poem "Aurora Leigh," perhaps the most wonderful literary production ever given us by a woman, makes here a new ap- pearance heralded by a characteristic...

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THE LIFE OF HENRY DRUMMOND.* THE late Henry Drummond had

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so many admirers and readers that a very large audience may safely be predicted for this biography. The work is well done, though perhaps it might have been a little shorter....

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ROBERT, EARL NUGENT.* THE Memoir of Robert, Earl Nugent, was

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well worth writing ; but unhappily Mr. Claud Nugent has not thought fit to write it. He has given us, not a biography, but the raw material from which a biography might be...

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THE VOYAGES OF THE ZENI.* THE story of the Zeni

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has been regarded for centuries as one of the strangest problems of literature, and it is likely that the controversy will still rage, though some of the worst difficulties have...

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THE Count of Wellburg, the Russian nobleman entrusted with the part of jeune premier in " Le Volenr's" novel, In the Tsar's Dominions, had the good fortune during a private in-...

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Memoires d'Outre - tombs. Par Chateaubriand, et notis par E.

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Bir6. Vols. (Gamier, Paris.)—For some years Chateau- briand has suffered a passing eclipse. The young writers of France have been moved to discredit him, on the ground that he...


The Spectator

NEW FRENCH BOOKS. Journal d'un Grinehu. Par Gyp. (Flammarion, Paris.)— It is impossible to keep pace with the energy and versatility of "Gyp," who marks every month with a new...

La Bilvre of Paint-ftivarie. Par J. K. Humans. (Stuck.,

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Paris.) — M. Huysmaas has for the moment deserted the investigation of magic, black or white, and has turned again to the picturesque, in the seareh for which he won his...

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L'Empire Liberal. Par Emile 011ivier. Tome III. (Gamier, Paris.)—To read

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a volume of M. Emile 011ivier's L'Empire Went/ is like putting the clock back thirty years, and this third volume is no less antiquated than its predecessors. The Liberal...

By Far Euphrates. By D. Alcock. (Hodder and Stoughton.) —The

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strongest sympathy for the Armenian sufferers from Turkish cruelty—a sympathy which the Spectator has not failed to express at the proper time and place—will not make us think...

The Bad Family, and other Stories. By Mrs. Fenwick. (Grant

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Richards. Is. 6d.)—This delightful, old-fashioned child's book is edited by Mr. E. V. Lucas. To say that is the same thing as to assure our readers that it is worth reading, for...

Le Roman de Louis XL Par Paul Fort. (Le Mercure

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de France, Paris.)—M. Paul Fort is a young man of excellent wit and of indubitable talent. But he is possessed by a thecny, which threatens to ruin his best effects. To quote...

The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. II. New and Revised

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Edition. (John Murray. 6s.)—We intend, as we said on a previous occa- sion, to reserve our criticism of this important work till the whole of the volumes have appeared. We may...

Magic Divination and Demonology among the Hebrews and their Neighbours.

The Spectator

By Dr. Wilton Davies. (James Clarke and Co.) —This learned little study of a difficult and obscure sub- ject will prove very interesting to Biblical students, though for the...

A Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage. By Sir Bernard

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Burke. Edited by his Son. (Harrison and Sons. 33s.)— This is the sixty-first issue of a book whichlit is now quite super- fluous to praise. There is nowhere to bo found a more...