29 DECEMBER 1866

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A grand Durbar was held at Agra on the 16th

The Spectator

ult., attended by most of the Princes of the North-West, all the natives in Hindostan and Bengal nominated to the Order of the Star of India, and as many British wearers of that...

The Emperor of the French is ntly receding from his

The Spectator

plan of military reorganization. Th *tutionnel is allowed to say that it admits of profound modi ons, and M. Sens, official candidate for the sixth district of the Pas de...

during the WO twelve years iung. One of the most

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1864, about the Conference of to my own view of the situation, I think it useful to let loose at the Conference all dogs eager to bark. The Danes should be treated to some...

"General" F. F. Millen, late President of the Fenian Military

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Council in Ireland, has published a letter in New York denouncing Stephens. He says Mr. Stephens is an incompetent leader, who once told him to "make a drawing of a corps...

Mr. Newdegate is rather unhappy about our policy of non-

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intervention, on the ground that if we have no allies on the Continent, in case we should be suddenly attacked, there will be nobody to "stir up our opponent behind." We, like...

Count von Bismarck made rather an important speech in the

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Berlin Chamber on the 21st inst. The subject was Schleswig- Holstein, and the Premier admitted that he accepted the plebis- citum for North Schleswig only to avoid the risk of a...

The King of Hanover has released his military officers from

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their allegiance. The concession has been made nominally at their request,—really, we imagine, in payment for certain other concessions about the property of the faroilY. Kings...

We have given much of our space this week to

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two very lengthy letters on the "Confederation of Canada," a scheme which must be decided dosing the coming session. Neither disputant seems to us quite to snake out his case,...


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IVO news of striking importance has arrived from Rome this PI week, but we print elsewhere an account of the two secret Governments, one Florentine and one Mazzinian, believed...

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Lord Dufferin has written a second letter to the Times,

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in which he shows precisely what he promised to show,—that the emigration from Ireland is not due to the evictions of tenant-farmers by ruthless landlords in any appreciable...

We are happy to announce that Mr. Grant Duff has

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been elected Lord Rector of the University of Aberdeen. The voting by tribes gave two tribes to Mr. Grote and two tribes to M r . Grant Duff. But as "the popular vote,' as the...

The Bishop of St. David's Charge, which we had intended

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to notice sooner, is a very able one, and also a somewhat hard piece of reading. The Bishop betrays no sympathy at all with the clergymen who rebel against the Conscience...

The Italian Budget introduced by S. Scialoja on the 21st

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inst. is not very reassuring. The Minister of Finance estimates the total receipts for 1866-67 at 31,616,0961., and the total expendi- ture at 42,074,758/., showing a total...

The Pall Mall Gazette had a very able article on

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Wednesday, pointing out how entirely the American Constitution has failed to control the majority of the nation when bent on preventing any further danger to the Union from...

Archdeacon Allen promises to bring forward a motion in Con-

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vocation to prohibit the use of any vestments except the black gown, the black cap, and the surplice, and to refer all disputed questions of ritual to the Ordinary. He had much...

The Very Rev. Dr. Fitzgerald,—we suppose the Roman Catholic Dean

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of Limerick,—has fairly told his flock that to take part in the Fenian conspiracy is one of those mortal sins which will pre- vent him even from administering the sacraments to...

The "own correspondent" of the Times at Athens reports that

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about the 20th inst. the Cretan insurgents, about 6,00) strong, were concentrated in the hills above Alikianu, and intend to risk a general engagement with Mustapha Pasha, who,...

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The House of Representatives in Congress has often had orators

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who have amused us, but they have now got one so wonderful that die amuses themselves almost as much as Mr. Whalley amuses the House of Commons. Mr. Rogers, democrat, of New...

Mr. Reuter says the French have sustained a reverse in

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the Cores; the Moniteur says they have not, but have occupied the Corean -chief place. We shall know in a fortnight which is right, but meanwhile Mr. Reuter's agent says the...

A French chemist has discovered a poison for whales, which

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- kills them within a quarter of an hour of the firing of the shell which contains a cartridge of the poison. It is a mixture of - the Indian poison called curare, or woorali,...

Sir T. M. Wilson is again doing all in his

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power to rob the public of Hampstead Heath, by letting ground upon it on building leases for twenty-one years. He appears to lend no ear at all to the remonstrances of the...

The Russian Government has finally broken with that of Rome,

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alleging that the Pope, by encouraging the Poles, has violated the Concordat. All spiritual powers reserved to the Papacy will pass -- to the Polish Bishops, but all substantial...

A case of some public interest, as affecting the right

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of tenants for life under settlements to work minerals, was decided by Vice-Chancellor Wood on the 19th inst. Tenants for life may work mines already opened, but if not...

The latest telegram about the Archduke Maximilian is that he

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has refused to abdicate, and has returned to his capital, where the - Clericals offer him 5,000,000/. to remain at the head of his Covernment. His personal staff, however, have...

The leading British Railways left off at the annexed quotations

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yesterday and on Friday week :— Great Eastern .. •• Great Northern On-at Western.. .. Lancashire and Yorkshire London and Brighton London and North-Western London and...

The Americans have done another "big thing." The yachts- men

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of Cowes consider a race from the Isle of Wight to Cher- bourg quite a feat, but three New Yorkers have raced their yachts in midwinter from New York to Cowes, the winner, Mr....

Erratuni.—In page 1423 of our last issue, in the statement

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of the estimate of the United States' Customs for the current year, to be ended 30th June, 1867, there is a misprint, unfortunately in the first and most important figure, but...

Yesterday and on Friday week the leading Foreign Securities left

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off at the annnexed quotations:— Mexican Spanish Passive .. Do. Certificated Turkish 6 per Cents., 11358 1862 liniad States 6. „ 20's • • .. • • • • • • . • •• • • • • • •...

The upward movement in the value of Consols and Railway

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Shares continued until Thursday evening, but yesterday much less firmness was apparent, and Consols declined about + per cent., whilst a fall of 11. to 2/. per share took place...

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THE AGRA DURBAR. THE beneficial effect of the grand Indian ceremonials which for convenience' sake we call " Durbars"—as if we should style certain great receptions " councils...

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E NGLISH politicians are watching the new American struggle with more intelligence than they displayed during the Civil War. They understand constitutional changes, see clearly...


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THE Dean of Westminster preached on Christmas Day with 1. more than his usual power and impressiveness on a sub- ject which is a favourite one with him, and which he always...

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the proposal to enfranchise the negroes and increase the so

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much moral necessity for them. We do not agree at all chance of defeating it. It was a proposal made in the same with Mr. Williams, of Oregon, that the grant of political spirit...

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W HO does not remember the marvellous organization of that Secret National Government which, during the last Polish insurrection, defied the hundred-handed police of Russia,...

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E anticipated last week that Dr. Pusey would not be at all inclined to withdraw from the position which he has at times, it appears, taken, in his capacity as confessor, of...

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rilHE Standard published on Christmas Day a very remarkable paper, which probably was very little read—an account of the reconstruction of fashionable London, now in progress...

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VALLEY OF THE SEVERN.- CONCLUSION. T HE chief towns of Dorsetshire at the time of the Survey were, besides Bridport and Dorchester, of which we have already spoken, WAREHAM and...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—IT is natural that great political changes should stimulate opposition. Not only so, but it is desirable that all reasonable objections...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Stn,—'The subject of a

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Confederation of the North Ameri- can Provinces has, for some time past, been pressed upon pub- lic attention by gentlemen from the colonies who have taken opposite sides, and...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—The Spectator is generally and rightly acknowledged to be a Liberal journal, perhaps as genuinely Liberal as any journal printed in...

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FRANCE UNDER RICHELIEU AND COLBERT.* Winzzi the lectures composing this volume were first delivered at Edinburgh, the title chosen for them was "The Age of Louis XIV." The...

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Mr. DuTrox COOK has written us a very humourous little tale for our holiday reading, which may not only be warranted to amuse, but very safely warranted not to instruct us. It...

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Tuts is a work far beyond the power of criticism, for the main. difficulty in reviewing a book of this kind is in stating what it does not contain. An index of everything...

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The South London Chroniek. Special Supplement. Christmas, 1866. "History of a Weathercock ;" being the wonderful and instructive legend of Medio-Pollito, translated from the...