28 APRIL 1939, Page 15

I do not myself believe in this theory. I think

indeed that we may see some startling new appointments after April 28th. Yet there are those pessimists who contend that once the monochromatic system gets a firm hold there is no saying where it may stop. New Ministries may be created at any moment. We may have a Ministry of Appeasement under the direction of Lord Brocket, whose long exclusion from the present. Government has caused some surprise in Berlin. A Ministry of Internal Co-ordina- tion or Gleichschaltung might be created under Sir Arnold Wilson, with Sir Archibald Southby and Mr. Raikes as his Under-Secretaries. And Sir George Broadbridge, the Mem- ber for the City of London, could be created Minister of Press Affairs but without any portfolio at all. There is no end to the permutations which can be suggested under this theory. But as a theory it is neither tenable nor fair.