28 APRIL 1939, page 52

Leading Insurance Companies Have Of Recent Years Been...

effort to improving the terms of in- dustrial insurance policies. The extent to which their efforts have met with success may be judged from the statement of Mr. John K. Wiseman......

Woirld Auxiliary Insurance

Several insurance company chairmen have recently referred to the unsatisfactory conditions prevailing in marine insurance. Captain C. C. Craig, chairman of World Auxiliary......

Royal Exchange Assurance

" I do not remember, except for the period of the Great War, living through a year which from the point of view of general business anxiety, approached that of the twelve months......

Solution To Crossword No. 7 Ell$11114. E 1. K ...lint

.g'M g: s .m. i A i t .,L i i , ' 0 le . A . .. .S.ANklie . w - 6 , 1...:37.1eri N3'1(5 ' t* 0.11.1. - TMOMBOWIS 8 A .... d fi 4 j2;5 , 11'1' 'a: isi o ox 01112.2. s a g c......

"the Spectator" Crossword Second Series-no. 8

[A prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given w the sender of the first correc solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked......