28 APRIL 1939, Page 52


[A prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given w the sender of the first correc solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked "Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a three-halfpenny stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.]

ACROSS r. Cotter's night (8).

8. Perpetually demonstrated in Piccadilly Circus (7).

9, to. Outstanding wartime portrait of a woman of title (17) (3 words).

Open the page (4).

22. A sailor backward at his maps (5).

14. She seems to invite one to stick it (5).

16. Wife of Posthumus (6).

17. To be found at the peak of literature (7). 20. 28 with neuralgia (7).

22. A beast of dismal progress (6).

23. To be found in fires in most houses (5).

25. His writing was simply fabulous (5).

26. aBnr ic de g re a t ho of r S(ize.-or import- 27. More welcome to a team than a crew (7).

29. Koala (to) (2 words).

30. Yah! Rats! Put them to- gether (7).

31. Trouble for nothing? (8).

DOWN t. Oils rising round • a broken gear (8).

2. People are more prone to use them apart than to- gether (to).

3. Welshman down, wise man up (4).

4. A painful malady extends the best (6). 5. Supplicates with the sound of adulation (5).

6. He sounds a tearful moun- taineer (7).

7. The porpentine was such a creature (7).

8. There must be marriages at this Oxford church, though it seems to be almost entirely engagements (7).

13. Browning's morning time (6).

14. A sign of Grace (5).

15. Hot stuff taken cold (to) (2 words).

18. Generally desired though the indefinite occasion often of untoward events (.7) (2 words).

19. Equine measure of urban inferiority (8) (2 words).

20. Piratical indication of orni- thological point (7). 21. How can we rest in peace on broken toes? (7).

24. Not exactly a bare back rider, or was she? (6).

25. Either way the girl reaches a thousand (5).

28. 20 ac. with neuralgia (4).