28 APRIL 1939, page 6

Having Said Last Week That No One Thought The Czecho-

Slovakian affair likely before it happened, I am told that the Daily Worker stated on March 6th that the occupation of Prague would take place on the i5th. It may be so, and......

A Spectator's Notebook

L ORD LOTHIAN has been mentioned in most informal discussions on the impending vacancy at the Washing- ton Embassy, but dismissed on the assumption that in such a position a......

It Seems Possible That 'repulse,' Which I Mentioned Last...

as being one of the only three ships in the British Navy which could cope with the German pocket-battleships now cruising off Spain, may not go off to Canada with the King after......

I Have No Particular Ambition For The Role Of Prophet,

but as a matter of interest I may, perhaps, transcribe a sentence from "A Spectator's Notebook" of June 4th, 1937. Re- ferring to the announcement of the Bishop of London's......

A Libel Case Heard By Mr. Justice Charles On Tuesday

deserves, and will no doubt get, the serious attention of the Committee now sitting to propose changes in the law of libel. A young man of 24, who admitted in cross- examination......

When The American Ambassador, Mr. Joseph Kennedy, Went To...

to receive the freedom of the city last week three persons—out of three thousand—called out some- thing which, so far as it was audible amid the general en- thusiasm, was......

Diplomatic Standards

T HE appointment of the Marquess of Lothian to suc- -1 ceed Sir Ronald Lindsay as British Ambassador at Washington lends considerable pertinence to an article on a later page of......

The Fountain. Of Truth "when London Speaks Of Morality It

obviously means something other than what is meant when morality is spoken of in Germany."—Dr. Goebbels. JANus.......