28 APRIL 1939, page 2

The Reply To Mr. Roosevelt Surmise As To The Probable

content of any speech by Herr Hitler is completely profitless, and the prospect that repre- sentations by Sir Nevile Henderson would materially influ- ence the Reichstag......

News Of The Week

N EGOTIATIONS aiming at the construction of a Peace Front in Europe have been progressing in London, Moscow and Paris, but little indication has been given of the results......

The French Decrees Heavy Additional Taxation And Drastic...

pro- vided for in the 26 decrees issued by the French Govern- ment to mobilise the national resources for defence and to meet an extra expenditure of £85,000,000 on armaments.......

The Cabinet Shuffle The Ministerial Changes Announced On...

seem to testify to a fixed determination on the part of the Prime Minister not to raise the modest level of ability and distinc- tion in his Cabinet at any cost. Public and......

Yugoslavia And Italy German And Italian Diplomacy Has...

engaged this week in endeavouring to sap the foundations of the Little Entente and thereby open the way to a revision of the Balkan frontiers. The chief instrument is to be......

Lord Baldwin On The League The Three Lectures With Which

Lord Baldwin inaugurated the lectureship founded in memory of Sir Robert Falconer at Toronto University were characterised by a wise humanity. The third and last was concerned......