28 APRIL 1939, page 17

Country Life

The Proud-pied Month We must all have felt (for at least a week in this April) 'iat England in "the sweet o' the year" is of peculiar loveli- ,ess. There are a good many stories......

County Groups It Seems That In Writing (after High...

of The Gloucestershire Countryside (St. Loe's House, Amberley) I did that excellent county magazine a certain injustice. It has a much longer past than I was aware of : it is......

Reviving Crafts

It is partly bad, partly good news, that the supply of local craftsmen is becoming unequal to the demand. The virtual extinction of the apprentice system which survived for a......

In The Garden

Gifts from other gardens give an added pleasure, and for myself I await the flowering of the latest gift with excitement. It consists of bulbs of the new monbretias, hybridised......

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" In England Now" • A good number of these plants are very nearly indestruc- tible. The wild cherry multiplies itself, almost as successfully as the elm. Gorse may be burnt or......

Rural Industries Evidence Of Such Revival In The Village...

is also apparent in the periodic publications of the magazine of the Rural Industries Bureau (which incidentally has just changed its headquarters to Manchester Square, London,......