28 APRIL 1939, page 46

Financial Notes

KING LINE PROGRESS KING LINE is one of those tramp steamship companies which have done surprisingly well in the difficult conditions of 1938. not only repeating the 8 per cent,......

Company Meetings

THE ROYAL LONDON MUTUAL INSURANCE SOCIETY, LIMITED YEAR OF SUBSTANTIAL PROGRESS THE seventy-eighth annual general meeting of the Royal London Mutual Insurance Society, Limited,......

The London Assurance

CONTINUED PROGRESS THE annual general Court of the London Assurance was held on April 26th in London. Mr. R. Olaf Hambro (the Governor) said that the Life Depart- ment had had a......

Two Gold Mining Investments

I see that at the Rand Mines meeting Mr. John Martin has confirmed my suspicion that the proceeds of the issue of reserve shares made last year were devoted to the pur- chase of......

Venturers' Corner Earlier This Year I Drew Attention To The

attractions as a lock-up speculation of the 5s. Ordinary shares of the Brush Electrical Engineering Company. Since the capital was reconstructed in 1938 no accounts have been......