28 APRIL 1939, page 42

Up, The, Seine Not One Of The Familiar Rivers Of

Europe is so agreeably neglected as the Seine, or for so little reason. If it were not for the well-known fact that every car-owner likes to dis- cover things for himself and,......

De-" Sported" Cars If, As Seems Possible, The Latest Example

of the Bentley is to set a new fashion in which we have been disgustedly compelled to know as " Sports " cars, that horrible word will fall into disuse, or at least mean......

Its Real Value The Rally Is To Be Encouraged From

two highly important aspects, reliability of gadgets and sensible design of ceach- , work. It imposes little or no test on engines and chassis, even though hard driving must......

The 41-litre Bentley The Manufacturer Was The Last Person To

blame, for the type was demanded if not actually evolved by the public themselves, and it is very likely that he is now relieved at the prospects of sanity returning to his......


The R.A.C. Rally Whatever you say about the picnic it may be for the cars themselves, compared with the Monte Carlo, you will not deny that the drivers in the R.A.C. rally to......

Very Pleasant Driving The Main Difference Between This...

and last year's is the geared-up fourth speed, called the overdrive. This means that at all speeds up to 75 miles an hour it is a three-speed car. When the road opens out you......

Ships And Forests They Clothe The Steep Chalk Cliffs With

the most delicate greens and silvers, turning in autumn to curtains of gold and red and brown which are reflected in the broken surface of the water like the polychromatic......