28 APRIL 1939, Page 42

Very Pleasant Driving The main difference between this year's Bentley

and last year's is the geared-up fourth speed, called the overdrive. This means that at all speeds up to 75 miles an hour it is a three-speed car. When the road opens out you flip the gear-lever into the normal top-speed notch, and have at your disposal and in suitable conditions let us say 90 to 95 miles an hour. It is extremely pleasant, particularly as the high gear can be used in easy circumstances to keep the revolu- tions down. All the car's features reach the same high standard, silence, very high power very lightly controlled, good road- holding and steering, good springing set, as it must be in such a car, a trifle hard. It is a car of real delight, and an impressive advance on its forerunners. The four-seated, comfortable saloon, with its ample luggage-accommodation, costs £1,510.