28 APRIL 1939, page 15

The Mother Of Parliaments Meanwhile Is Awaiting With...

the Fiihrer's speech of April A8th. It is perhaps unfortunate that Herr Hitler should have chosen as the medium of his reply to President Roosevelt a full dress oration from the......

People And Things

By HAROLD NICOLSON HE House of Commons, when it reassembled on Monday, had more or less recovered from the shock dealt to it by Dr. Burgin's appointment and the consequent......

I Do Not Myself Believe In This Theory. I Think

indeed that we may see some startling new appointments after April 28th. Yet there are those pessimists who contend that once the monochromatic system gets a firm hold there is......

At The Moment However The Purrs Predominate Over The...

Sir Nevile Henderson has hurried back to Berlin; Signor Mussolini has been purring to Lord Perth, and the Duke of Alba will relay to London the purrs of General Franco.......

Not That The Recent Appointments Are In Themselves Un-...

to the House. Mr. Burgin is much respected as a Minister and it is generally agreed that he is admirably fitted to inaugurate this Ministry of Supply. Captain Euan Wallace,......

Let Us Be Fair To Herr Hitler. I Am Convinced

that to the very depths of his soul he desires friendship with this country. It is painful for him to reflect that we possess in Great Britain no statesman of his own calibre.......