28 APRIL 1939, page 44

Finance And Investment

NOBODY in the City expected a good Budget and everybody is now agreed that the Chancellor of the Exchequer's solu- tion is not a bad one. It has been obvious that despite the......

Union-castle Steam Outlook

I am afraid there is little in Mr. Robertson F. Gibb's review at the Union-Castle meeting to encourage Ordinary stockholders in hopes of early dividend payments. He em- phasised......

Two Gold Mining Investments

I see that at the Rand Mines meeting Mr. John Martin has confirmed my suspicion that the proceeds of the issue of reserve shares made last year were devoted to the pur- chase of......

Budget And The Investor

Now let us turn to share markets which, so far, have taken the additional tax proposals without flinching. Many readers may be wondering whether the surprisingly large increase......

Defence Loan Prospects

I feel that the gilt-edged outlook is no better and no worse after the Budget statement. Although the avoidance of a higher income-tax is a "bull point," it is also very clear......