28 APRIL 1939, Page 42

The 41-litre Bentley The manufacturer was the last person to

blame, for the type was demanded if not actually evolved by the public themselves, and it is very likely that he is now relieved at the prospects of sanity returning to his customers. Naturally the 25-30 h.p. Bentley itself cannot be accepted as a universal model. It costs between £1,500 and i1,700, does the best part of too miles an hour and is altogether an unusual car. Yet all its designers have done is to add ex- quisite manners to very high performance, to impose mechanical silence where a senseless racket was once the fashion. They have produced a de-sported car, and I hope there is no reason why their example should not be imitated to some degree even by those who are in no way rivals. They have debunked the Sports car.