28 APRIL 1939, Page 2

The French Decrees Heavy additional taxation and drastic economies are

pro- vided for in the 26 decrees issued by the French Govern- ment to mobilise the national resources for defence and to meet an extra expenditure of £85,000,000 on armaments. There is provision for a special sales-tax of one per cent. on all purchases except those already subjected to certain taxes on production. Profits on the production of armaments are to be limited by control to ten per cent. The normal work- ing week is to be increased to 45 hours, with special facilities for overtime. There are far-reaching measures to deal with tax-evasion ; taxation of private citizens on certain visible signs" of wealth ; the issue of two-year armaments bonds ; reduction of public works ; reabsorption of workers displaced from public services by recent economies ; and repression of propaganda subsidised from abroad. M. Reynaud, the Finance Minister, broadcast an appeal to the whole nation to make fresh sacrifices for the sake of liberty in the trial of strength between the totalitarian Powers and France and Britain, and there can only be the warmest admiration for the response which the French people of all classes have made in accepting so onerous a burden.