28 APRIL 1939, Page 6

I have no particular ambition for the role of prophet,

but as a matter of interest I may, perhaps, transcribe a sentence from "A Spectator's Notebook" of June 4th, 1937. Re- ferring to the announcement of the Bishop of London's impending retirement, I then wrote: "It is obviously pre- mature to be speculating about his successor, but I am not surprised to see Dr. Fisher, Bishop of Chester, mentioned in public in that connexion, as I heard him mentioned six months or more ago in private." The appointment is calculated to give general satisfaction. London's last school- master-bishop was Temple, who got there from Rugby via Exeter, and in due course proceeded thence to Canterbury. ,Someone, I see, predicts the same progress for Dr. Fisher, who is from Repton via Chester, and who, like Dr. Temple, has had no experience as a parish priest. But that is looking rather far ahead. Dr. Cosmo Lang is in his 75th year, and it does not seem to be expected that he will postpone his retirement, like his predecessor, till 80. Those who have been expecting to see Dr. Garbett, of Winchester, moved to Fulham will no doubt chart him now for a little further dowei the river on the other side.