28 APRIL 1939, Page 50

Leading insurance companies have of recent years been devoting considerable

effort to improving the terms of in- dustrial insurance policies. The extent to which their efforts have met with success may be judged from the statement of Mr. John K. Wiseman at Tuesday's meeting of the Royal

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(Continued from page 742) London Mutual Insurance Society. For practical purposes, he said, the only difference now between the Ordinary and the Industrial life insurances of the society is that premiums on the industrial policies are payable at more frequent intervals. Royal London Mutual pursued a cautious policy during the years of rapidly rising Stock Exchange prices, regarding the appreciation as a reserve against a future fall. The fall has now occurred, and the policy has justified itself for Mr. Wiseman was able to report that at the end of last year the market value of the company's securities was still slightly in excess of the book value. In addition, there is an investment reserve fund of nearly £1,200,000. Total assets increased last year by £3,067,453 to £445133,320.

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