28 APRIL 1939, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR,—The comments in your columns on Lord Rothermere's recent book, Warnings and Predictions, imply that their writers have not read the volume with much attention. The sugges- tion that the viewpoints expressed in the book differ from those expressed during the past year by the Daily Mail, and thus convict its author of inconsistency, ignores one fact—that Lord Rothermere renounced control of the Daily Mail in April, 1938. This was announced in the paper at the time, and is repeated in the book. The reason given was his belief that at seventy years of age a man should give place to those younger in the direction of a complex organisation like a modern newspaper.—Yours faithfully, COLLIN BROOKS. Estoril Palacio Hotel, Estoril.