30 NOVEMBER 1929, Page 12


Those who are interested in the potters' art, and more par- ticularly in Chinese ceramics, will find much to please them in the exhibition of pottery, stoneware and hard porcelain by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vyse, at Walker's Galleries, Bond Street, Mr. and Mrs. Vyse have been patient investigators of the glazes used by the old Chinese potters, and their labours have produced a very delightful collection of specimens which, though doubly interesting to the cognoscenti, should appeal to the man in the street as well. Besides pots and bowls there are a few groups. There are two examples, one 'coloured, the other in white glaze, and Vintage, representing Bacchus on a garlanded bull, in a rather matt white, is excellent. Brush decoration throughout is good, Pots Nos. 4 and 28 being examples of outstanding merit. Bowl, Turquoise blue (63), Pot, Tessha Type (2), a deep brown, Bowl, mirror black (95) and Bowl, Temmoku type (165), a sort of tortoise.. shell and rust colour, are good examples of the variety which

these artists obtain. Among the designs one may pick out

Cup (72), Plate (115), with fish and Bowl (44) with bUtter- fly pattern. A large Celadon jar with chain link handles,

and a thrown pot with sides planed down, wood ash glaze and leaf brush work, neither in the catalogue, are two other good pieces. This just names a very few out of the two hundred odd exhibits. It is a delightful exhibition and should not be missed by anyone interested in this branch of art.

G. G.