30 NOVEMBER 1929, page 14

American Notes Of The Week

(By Cable) DEMOCRACY AND BUSINESS. Has representative government become an anachronism in the United States or, at any rate, does it need modification? The question is being......

Traffic Accidents.

Aroused by what he descibes as the " appalling " auto- mobile fatality record of the State, the Governor of Massachu- setts has nominated one hundred representative citizens to......

Dairying In The South.

The South takes legitimate pride in its growing dairying industry. Thirteen Southern States have increased their butter production from twenty-four million pounds in 1918 to......


With the approval of President Hoover,_ who is deeply interested in the subject, the Secretary of the Interior has appointed a distinguished Committee of educators, editors,......

The American Indlin.

• A graphic account of the changes which contact with white civilization has wrought for the American Indian is contained in the latest report of the Board of Indian......

Labour Banking.

The Economics department of Princeton University has been analyzing American Labour's experiments in banking. The labour unions began to establish banks about nine years ago. At......