30 NOVEMBER 1929, page 38

Patriotic Effort.

When the War was in progress it must be remembered that holders of securities were taxed up to 6s. in the 1 on their interest on securities, to say nothing of Super Tax and......

The " Rentier " Class.

In the prospectuses and appeals which were made at that time there was no reference to the interest and repayment of principal varying according to the fluctuating value of the......

Finance—public & Private

Tampering with Credit THERE is a famous, , though, needless to, say, a purely legendary story told of the inflation period in . Germany following upon the War. Two friends, so......

War Loan Holders.

Needless to say that both of the foregoing stories are imaginary, and I trust that readers of the Spectator will forgive their style and triviality which are designed merely by......

Comment By Sir Hilton Young.

Smnall wonder that la:tir in the debate Sir E. 'Hilton Young should have declared that Mr. Shaw's argument that £100,000,000 could be saved by - taking into con- sideration some......

Sanctity. Of Contracts.

I am not, however, concerned in this place with the general question of - National Expenditure, though in passing I must once more place on record the declaration that there......

Coming Nearer Home.

During the famous War and post-War boom in this country, two imaginary individuals whom we will call John and Henry, worked in munition works and received an extraordinarily......