30 NOVEMBER 1929, page 16

The Farmer Has, Of Course, His Compensations. Seldom, If...

has poultry paid so well as in recent months, or eggs been so dear. The season has been marvellously favourable to many crops. The beet has a sugar content never before......

Ducks Are More Omnivorous Than Their Reputation ; But I

never before heard of them killing sparrows, or any other full-grown bird. They themselves are very severely victimized, The brood is harder to rear in some waters ; and scores......

British Timber.

During last week in two very different parts of England— one was Berkshire, the other Lancashire—I happened to come across examples of the very best and the very worst timber......

Country Life

A FARMERS' REBELL:3N In Norwich last week I heard scarcely credible threats about a campaign of rebellion from East Anglian farmers. They reminded me of the early days of the......

Litter-art Rhymes.

A merry little pamphlet called Let Us Tidy Up has been issued from the Dryad Press in Leicester with the motto :— " If each before his own door swept, The village would be......

Cannibalism Among Birds.

A rather grim and unusual incident was witnessed the other day, in the midst of the charming rural scene round the bridge over the lake in St. James's Park. An observer watching......

The Welcombe Estate.

It is good news that the patriotic zeal of a resident has saved a valuable part of the Warwick Road close to Strat- ford-on-Avon, but there is still danger to the neighbourhood......

An Occasional Savagery, Which Is Difficult To Explain,...

again overcomes even the domestic hen. One of the most brutal spectacles within my recollection concerns some farmyard hens feeding in the neighbourhood of a corn rick that was......