30 NOVEMBER 1929, Page 16


It is good news that the patriotic zeal of a resident has saved a valuable part of the Warwick Road close to Strat- ford-on-Avon, but there is still danger to the neighbourhood iu the felling of trees and in building. We do not want a garden city cheek by jowl with Stratford. Garden cities are to be welcomed ; and the existing cities, especially at Welwyn, have sacrificed a good deal in order to pre- rve spinneys and even single trees, If ever we succeed in decentralizing factories and giving the workers healthy and lovely homes in the neighbourhood of their work, it will be by means of ideas put into being by Ebenezer Howard and carried out by his spiritual pupils. But rural and regional planning is concerned also with " the deep, deep country " and especially those parts of it which may be kept " unspotted from the world " without economic loss to the community.