30 NOVEMBER 1929, page 25


The Legend of Hell. By Percy Dearmer, D.D. (Cassell. 95. 6d.) Flew, if any, men and women under forty in England can have heard Hell-fire preached. To-day for most people " Hell......

Robert Falcon Scott

Captain Scott. By Stephen Gwynn. (Bodley Head. 12s. 6d.) " Ncrrinsio could be more superfluous than simply to tell again the story of Captain Scott's Antarctic explorations . .......

Russia In Midstream

In the Land of Communist Dictatorship. By Anatole V. Baikaloff. (Cape. 78. 6d.) Soviet Rule in Russia. By W. R. Batsoll. (Now York. Mac- millan. 258.) THE more one reads books......