30 NOVEMBER 1929, page 1

But How ? He Is More Averse Than Ever From

putting money into artificially contrived enterprises. He believes in the methods which were applied by the late Govern- ment, and are, of course, still being applied with some......

The Bargaining For Votes .

And one step in co-operation would lead to others. The next step in order of importance would be to control the inter-Party bargaining for votes by introducing a sort of......

News Of The Week Unemployment ' Avtt E E K Fi B Y Wiesehko

show n a e i p s e l o o ym 1 e 4 0 86 i 6 n e a r e a s v e e s t . ho T s h e i s o wk th e week before. It is true that there are.nearly 100,000 more persons in employment.......

Editorial And Publishing Offices : 99 Gower Street,...

Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage; to any 'part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. __The POstage on this......

It Is Admitted On All Hands That Several Of The

greatest industries are much below their proper level of production. They do not reorganize themselves in order to eliminate waste, or even to replace obsolete plant, either......

When The Prime Minister Was Asked' Last Week If He

would be willing to treat unemployment as a non-party matter, he said that • he would be willing to consider representations from the Opposition. In our opinion that is not......

[signed Articles ,do Not _necessarily Represent The Views...

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