30 NOVEMBER 1929, page 22

" I Must Tell You In All Humility That Hinduism

as I know it entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being, and I find a solace in the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads that I miss even in the Sermon on the Mount." This......

In G. K. C. As M.c. (methuen, 7s. 6d.) Mr.

J. P. de Fonseka has collected thirty-seven introductions written by Mr. Chesterton, introductions which must have added much enjoyment to the perusal of the books introduced.......

The Competition

WE recently asked a contributor to write an article containing suggestions for a Better World, and we received the following reply A short recipe would be : murder half the......


It Is Long Ago Since Mr. E. Clerihew Bentley Produced

his astonishing volume of Biography for Beginners. Now at last he has enlarged his gallery of portraits with More Biographies (Methuen, 7s. 6d.). To the classical account of Sir......

Some Books Of The Week

MR. COOLIDGE, as President of the United States, was famous for his taciturnity in a nation that delights in voluble rhetoric. The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge (Chatto and......

At A Moment When Attention Is Being Specially Directed To

the need for a sound understanding of the intellectual basis of Christian belief, the Archbishop of Armagh's new volume, The Christian Outlook in the Modern World (Hodder and......

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Colonel J. F. C. Fuller is a stimulating writer on military and other topics, but he is not seen at his best in The Generalship of Ulysses S. Grant (Murray, 21s.). He appears......