30 NOVEMBER 1929, page 40

Sir Alexander's Appointment.

While during its two centuries of existence theprogress of the Royal Bank of Scotland has been well maintained throughout, there has probably seldom, if ever, been a period......

B.o.b. Progress.

Continued progress is shown in the affairs of the British Overseas Bank, the annual report just issued showing that the profit, which two years ago amounted to £147,000 and last......

Anglo - American Oil.

Accompanying the announcement of an interim dividend of 71 per cent., free of tax, the directors of the Anglo-American Oil Company have now made an official statement with......

Financial Notes

UNCERTAIN MARKETS. ON the whole the past week has been one of progress in the stock markets, though at the same time price movements have been of a rather irregular character.......

A Good Report.

In all respects the latest annual report of the Royal Bank of Scotland is up to the high standards which have been established by that bank for many years past. The net profit......