30 NOVEMBER 1929, Page 40

Financial Notes


ON the whole the past week has been one of progress in the stock markets, though at the same time price movements

have been of a rather irregular character. British Govern- ment- stocks received a fillip for a time from the great success which attended the new Conversion Loan, but subsequently

there has been a reactionary tendency, due to alarm con- cerning the growth in national expenditure, so that already the -Budget is beginning to cast its shadow over markets, while, as I explain in an article elsewhere, Mr. Shaw's unfor- tunate remarks in the House of Commons concerning the War Loan gave the markets a further jar. Moreover, although the setback in prices may have been small, it must be remem- bered that there are one or two influences operating just now which normally should occasion a rise in gilt-edged securities, one of them- being the easier tendency in money rates,- and the other being the fact that we are on the eve of the dis- bursement of over £50,000,000 in War Loan dividends, an operation which usually leads to a good deal of re-investment in high-class stocks. Transatlantic industrial shares have been a rather dull market during the week on a renewal of Wall Street liquidation, while there has been a certain amount of forced selling here.

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