30 NOVEMBER 1929, page 2

Major Walter Elliot, For The Unionists, Moved The...

the Bill. He warned the Government of the demoralizing effect of the benefits for boys. It had been said in justification that very few boys would be unemployed, but if that......

The Bargaining For Votes .

And one step in co-operation would lead to others. The next step in order of importance would be to control the inter-Party bargaining for votes by introducing a sort of......

Liquidated Ex-enemy Property On Thursday, November 21st,...

of Commons, Mr. Snowden refused to return to Germany any further sums out of the £14,000,000 remaining from liquidated property of ex-enemy nationals. The claim which he......

Germany And The Young Plan On Wednesday The Reich Electoral

Committee estab- lished the final figures of the recent canvass for the Referendum against the Young Plan. The Government has consequently submitted the Referendum Bill to the......

The Debate Was Continued On Monday, When Mr. Oliver Stanley,

in a speech which deserved the attention it received, argued that the Government had missed a great opportunity of devising a constructive scheme for dealing with those who......

Mr. Shaw, We May Add Here, Has Since Explained That

he • meant little more than to argue that the Social Services were cheap compared with the unnecessarily large burden of the National Debt, but his language cos: *eyed much more......

Miss Bondfield's Bill On Thursday, November 21st, The...

Commons began the second reading debate on Miss Bondfield's Unemployment Insurance Bill. The proposals of the Bill are already well known. Miss Bondfield's exposition was able......