30 NOVEMBER 1929, Page 40


Continued progress is shown in the affairs of the British Overseas Bank, the annual report just issued showing that the profit, which two years ago amounted to £147,000 and last year to £151,000, has now risen to nearly £160,000. The dividend is maintained at the same rate as for the three previous years, namely, 6 per cent. on both " A " and " B " shares, while the strengthening of reserves goes on, a further £25,000 being applied this year with £10,000 to pensions. The deposits have also risen by nearly half a million to £5,114,000, while acceptances are up from £4,089,000 to

£4,659,000. The balance sheet is also a very liquid one, cash in hand, money at call and balances with bankers abroad amounting to £2,865,000.

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