30 NOVEMBER 1929, Page 16


A merry little pamphlet called Let Us Tidy Up has been issued from the Dryad Press in Leicester with the motto :— " If each before his own door swept, The village would be clean."

It consists largely of verses (some of them very bad !), but bears most pleasing evidence of the coming vogue of tidiness. Little but active litter societies are springing up in all sorts of places : in New York and Surrey, to give two examples ; and the lead given by Mr. Peach in Leicester is stimulating a general paperchase. What we want is some really neat little rhyme that shall be the motto of the tidiers. The Germans are often experts at the neat popular rhyme. Here is one from the Prussian Nature Protection Society :— PAPIER.

" Fiir mancher Zweck erfreulich Wenn fortgeworfen wirkt abscheulich."

(Paper. Welcome for many purposes—scattered about it nauseates.) It is fixed over an open-air receptacle for rubbish. On this subject it is well to he reminded (by the litter pamphlet) that the C.P.R.E. will send out illustrations of litter and its prevention and loan exhibits illustrating the salvation of the countryside. The repository of all knowledge and advice on the subject of preserving the freshness of the countryside is the society at 17 Great Marlborough Street, but special information about the litter exhibitions (it recalls Lewis Carroll's pun about his own litter-ature) is best sought from the Exhibition Committee, 42 St. Nicholas Street, Leicester. Elementary schools, please note.

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