30 NOVEMBER 1929, Page 16

Ducks are more omnivorous than their reputation ; but I

never before heard of them killing sparrows, or any other full-grown bird. They themselves are very severely victimized, The brood is harder to rear in some waters ; and scores of young wild duck are killed, both by heron and pike. Nor are the grown birds safe. They are easy victims during the time when they are changing their plumage, and lose for the, moment their wonderful powers of flight ; and even the strongest fliers are not safe. The peregrine falcon is an

inveterate enemy ; and in the difficult question of deciding which bird is the fastest on the wing, the ease with which a peregrine can overhaul a duck is the strongest evidence in favour of its claim to be considered the king of fliers. Even the teal, probably the fastest of the ducks, is outpaced.

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