30 NOVEMBER 1929, Page 38


In the prospectuses and appeals which were made at that time there was no reference to the interest and repayment of principal varying according to the fluctuating value of the purchasing power of the ! Moreover, many of the subscribers to the War Loan had also been subscribers to previous Government Loans when there was very little in the way of inflation and had been in the position of receiving, subsequently, dividends representing greatly diminished purchasing power owing to the gross inflation which followed. Not only so, but as a result of that inflation it was not the workers of this country who suffered ; they, together with Industrialists beriefitted greatly at the time by increased wages and increased profits. The rentier class, on the other hand, now sneered at by Mr. Shaiv, who provided, when' needed, the sinews of war, were hit hard -not only by heavy taxation but by the increased cost of living.