30 NOVEMBER 1929, Page 14


Aroused by what he descibes as the " appalling " auto- mobile fatality record of the State, the Governor of Massachu- setts has nominated one hundred representative citizens to serve upon an emergency Safety Council. Automobile, taxi- cab, bus, railway, street railway, and insurance interests are represented upon the Council which also includes spokesmen for the judiciary, municipal governments, and educational authorities. The Council is charged with formulating means for lessening traffic dangers and is promised the fullest support of the State government and of more than three hundred municipal authorities for whatever regulations it may recom- mend. In the- meantime, the Governor is tightening up en- forcement of existing traffic regulations. Many other States are concerned at the progressive increase revealed each year

in the number of persons killed by motor vehicles, and com- missions, committees and conferences called to deal with the

problem, are common. It is unusual, however, for such bodies to be assured in advance that their recommendations will be given legislative effect.
