30 NOVEMBER 1929, Page 20


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Iri your notice of the play The Eater of Dreams, in the issue of the Spectator of November 16th, there is the usual absurd effort to make purely practical effects used in the production, something they were never intended to be.

The playing of the first scene of The Eater of Dreams with black curtains to cover the scene that is to follow immediately is merely there to enable the change from one to another to be made quickly. If your critic can evolve a better method of presenting nine scenes closely following on one another without long waits and without splitting the stage up, I shall be very interested to hear of it. The Gate Theatre stage is only a few feet square, and the so-called eccentricity of my productions there is governed by this fact. I am afraid I must disappoint your critic : I am not a highbrow.—I am, Sir, &c.,