30 NOVEMBER 1929, Page 31

General Knowledge Questions

OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Mrs. Marjorie Forbes Smith, 49 Meadway, N.W. 11, for the following :- Questions on " Poets and Authors "

Who said, and of whom 7 :- 1. That he was " no sigher in shades ?

2. " He talked far above singing " ?

3. That he was " a fingerpost to beauty ?

4. " — was once a bashful youth. His modesty was such.

That one might say [to say the truth], He rather had too much." ?

5. " He could scarcely look out of a window in the twilight without seeing something hitherto bidden from mortal eyes " G. A star is always shining in my brain, which has led me on and ever will " ?

7. (a) " A line of —Us is a lever to lift the immortal spirit " ? (b) " — hallows any page on which his reverend name appears "

8. " The true harvest of my daily life . . . is a little star-dust caught, a .segment of rainbow clutched " 9. " It appears that would a genius ensure himself immortality he must brush his hair and keep his temper;" ? 10. That he " loved the principle of Beauty in all things " ?:

11. " The light of his genius shone into my soul like the sun's rays glittering in the puddles of the road " 12. " For the thoughts of — would be full of all the things that men care for—old friends, and old inns, and memory, and the good- ness of God " 13. " I am so small a pinch of dust, a tear would make a puddle of me " ?

Answers will be found on page. 881.