3 NOVEMBER 1906, Page 11

In the series of The Children's Heroes," Edited by John

Lang (T. O. and E. C. Sack, Is. 6d. net per vol.), we have The Story of Sir Francis Drake, by Mrs. Oliver Elton, and The Story of Lord Roberts, by Edmund Francis Seller. Both are prettily illustrated, but surely Queen Elizabeth must have looked a little older than she is pictured when she went on board the Golden Hind.' She was nearer fifty than forty,—the visit was made in April, 1581, and the Queen was born in 1533.—In the kindred aeries of "Told to the Children," Edited by Louey Chisholm (same pub- lishers, Is. 6d. net per vol.), we have Stories of William Tell, by II. E. Marshall.